If you find yourself moving to France and specifically to the Pays Basque region, this is the blog for you. We all find ourselves in this gorgeous region for one reason or another. Maybe you have recently retired or you are fed up of the daily, big city grind and want to trade up for a quieter lifestyle. You could be an avid surfer and are merely chasing the waves, or your reason may be related to your work or the work of your spouse.
No matter what has lead you to the French Pays Basque, there is one thing you must know to set your mind at ease. THIS REGION IS ASTOUNDING!
Okay, before moving here and while here you will constantly be learning and adapting but hey that's where I come into play! I must admit that in the beginning I truly struggled. My husband's job is here but he was always travelling ,we had a new born and I did not speak the language. Awesome combination,right?
Nonetheless, I took small steps that have recently transformed into strides and though I am still no expert of the region ,I must say that I believe that I do have some pearls of wisdom that I can share with you all to make your transition smoother and efficient.
By the way ,where are my manners! I'm Melanie. This is my first blog so I dare not call myself a blogger. I am however, an anglophone mother raising a tri-lingual,third culture kid with the support of my husband in a region where we have no family and no support. I was born and raised in the Caribbean by my Trinidadian mother and my British father who adore coming and spending summers with us, as the Pays Basque is truly a treasure worth discovering and rediscovering every year.
